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The Neoclassical Period (1660-1798)

All Question - (16)

Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 7 months ago
Updated: 7 months ago
the 1st half of 19th century
the 2nd half of 18th century
the 1st half of 18th century
the 2nd half of 19th century
Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 7 months ago
Updated: 7 months ago
Iazak Walton
Samuel Johnson
Samuel Butler
Sir Thomas Browne
Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago
The Old Man and the Sea
A Doll's House
Gullivers Travel's
Robinson Crusoe
আমি এটা না করে পারি না
আমি এটা সাহায্য ছাড়া করতে পারি না
আমি এটা করতে সাহায্য না করে পারি না
আমি এটা সাহায্য নিয়ে ও করতে পারি না
Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago
Rape of the lock
The Deserted Village
William Shakespeare
Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago
Sri Thomas Malory
Samuel Johnson
Proclamation : Bull
Elected : Chosen
Ballot : Smoke
Temporal : Secular
Created: 2 years ago | Updated: 5 months ago
Updated: 5 months ago
Oscar wilds
Aletered tennyson
Alexander Pope